boost converter average model open loop Designer10 × Member for 11 years 4 months 624 designs 10 groups Big fan of VHDL-AMS <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for electrodynamic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The mechanical and magnetic circuit sections of the model are composed of "physical" models, in that user can directly specify size and physical properties of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross section area and length of the magnetic core, the residual flux density of the permanent magnet, and the number of winding turns.</p> <p>The electronics section (rectifier and boost converter) contains a mix of passive analog circuit elements as well as abstract or "math block" models to represent the state-average (non-switching) behavior of the converter. Finally, constant power load model represents the power demand for periodic transmission of data typical of an (I)IoT sensor node.</p> <p>In the simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the amplitude of the external vibration source (e.g. a motor or transformer housing) of 0.07mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1g (light-blue waveform). The armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, so the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 4mm peak-to-peak (green waveform).</p> <p>In the upper left, the two waveform viewers are zoomed-in near the 1 second simulation time mark, and they show the air-gap lengths and the corresponding core flux density and winding voltage. Note that the air-gaps are configured in parallel for the flux path, so the effective path reluctance is minimized when either gap approaches zero length.</p> <p>In the lower right, the relatively low value of the rectified "DC" voltage is observed (red waveform), as well as the regulated boost output voltage that supplies the transmitter load.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonanceboostfull wave rectifierState-Averagemagnetic circuitvibration energyIoTIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Boost converter average model Designer10 × Member for 11 years 4 months 624 designs 10 groups Big fan of VHDL-AMS <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for electrodynamic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The mechanical and magnetic circuit sections of the model are composed of "physical" models, in that user can directly specify size and physical properties of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross section area and length of the magnetic core, the residual flux density of the permanent magnet, and the number of winding turns.</p> <p>The electronics section (rectifier and boost converter) contains a mix of passive analog circuit elements as well as abstract or "math block" models to represent the state-average (non-switching) behavior of the converter. Finally, constant power load model represents the power demand for periodic transmission of data typical of an (I)IoT sensor node.</p> <p>In the simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the amplitude of the external vibration source (e.g. a motor or transformer housing) of 0.07mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1g (light-blue waveform). The armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, so the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 4mm peak-to-peak (green waveform).</p> <p>In the upper left, the two waveform viewers are zoomed-in near the 1 second simulation time mark, and they show the air-gap lengths and the corresponding core flux density and winding voltage. Note that the air-gaps are configured in parallel for the flux path, so the effective path reluctance is minimized when either gap approaches zero length.</p> <p>In the lower right, the relatively low value of the rectified "DC" voltage is observed (red waveform), as well as the regulated boost output voltage that supplies the transmitter load.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonanceboostfull wave rectifierState-Averagemagnetic circuitvibration energyIoTIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
TEST STAGE Kinetic Energy Harvesting Designer21 × Member for 11 years 4 months 104 designs 3 groups Member of the PartQuest Explore team. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for kinetic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The design contains mechanical, magnetic and electronic circuit elements, with energy conservation and cross-discipline dynamic interactions automatically included in the system model. The user can directly specify the physical or behavioral characteristics of many of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross sectional area of the magnetic core, the number of winding turns, the resistor and capacitor values, as well as the drop-out voltage of the linear regulator.</p> <p>In the nominal simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the initial start-up of the system, with the amplitude of the external vibration source of 0.07 mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1 g. The nominal armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, and the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 10 mm peak-to-peak!</p> <p>In the upper left, the waveform viewer is zoomed-in near the 1 sec. simulation time mark. It shows the time-varying core flux density and winding voltage, as the two air-gaps expand and contract with armature displacement, rapidly changing the magnetic flux path's effective reluctance value. In the lower right waveform viewer, the DC output voltage from the Schottky diode full-wave rectifier and the linear regulator output voltage are observed. The periodic disturbance is caused by the switched load being applied to the system.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonancefull wave rectifiermagnetic circuitvibration energyLive ActionKinetic EnergyIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Copy of Kinetic Energy Harvesting - on Tue, 11/10/2020 - 20:11 Designer229733 × Member for 5 years 1 month 6 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for kinetic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The design contains mechanical, magnetic and electronic circuit elements, with energy conservation and cross-discipline dynamic interactions automatically included in the system model. The user can directly specify the physical or behavioral characteristics of many of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross sectional area of the magnetic core, the number of winding turns, the resistor and capacitor values, as well as the drop-out voltage of the linear regulator.</p> <p>In the nominal simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the initial start-up of the system, with the amplitude of the external vibration source of 0.07 mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1 g. The nominal armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, and the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 10 mm peak-to-peak!</p> <p>In the upper left, the waveform viewer is zoomed-in near the 1 sec. simulation time mark. It shows the time-varying core flux density and winding voltage, as the two air-gaps expand and contract with armature displacement, rapidly changing the magnetic flux path's effective reluctance value. In the lower right waveform viewer, the DC output voltage from the Schottky diode full-wave rectifier and the linear regulator output voltage are observed. The periodic disturbance is caused by the switched load being applied to the system.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonancefull wave rectifiermagnetic circuitvibration energyLive ActionKinetic EnergyIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Copy of Electrodynamic Vibration Energy Harvesting for IoT/IIoT - with State-Average Boost Converter - on Mon, 03/02/2020 - 17:21 Designer230051 × Member for 5 years 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for electrodynamic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The mechanical and magnetic circuit sections of the model are composed of "physical" models, in that user can directly specify size and physical properties of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross section area and length of the magnetic core, the residual flux density of the permanent magnet, and the number of winding turns.</p> <p>The electronics section (rectifier and boost converter) contains a mix of passive analog circuit elements as well as abstract or "math block" models to represent the state-average (non-switching) behavior of the converter. Finally, constant power load model represents the power demand for periodic transmission of data typical of an (I)IoT sensor node.</p> <p>In the simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the amplitude of the external vibration source (e.g. a motor or transformer housing) of 0.07mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1g (light-blue waveform). The armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, so the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 4mm peak-to-peak (green waveform).</p> <p>In the upper left, the two waveform viewers are zoomed-in near the 1 second simulation time mark, and they show the air-gap lengths and the corresponding core flux density and winding voltage. Note that the air-gaps are configured in parallel for the flux path, so the effective path reluctance is minimized when either gap approaches zero length.</p> <p>In the lower right, the relatively low value of the rectified "DC" voltage is observed (red waveform), as well as the regulated boost output voltage that supplies the transmitter load.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonanceboostfull wave rectifierState-Averagemagnetic circuitvibration energyIoTIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
ePower_916 Designer152721 × Member for 7 years 5 months 109 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for kinetic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p><p>The design contains mechanical, magnetic and electronic circuit elements, with energy conservation and cross-discipline dynamic interactions automatically included in the system model. The user can directly specify the physical or behavioral characteristics of many of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross sectional area of the magnetic core, the number of winding turns, the resistor and capacitor values, as well as the drop-out voltage of the linear regulator.</p><p>In the nominal simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the initial start-up of the system, with the amplitude of the external vibration source of 0.07 mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1 g. The nominal armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, and the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 10 mm peak-to-peak!</p><p>In the upper left, the waveform viewer is zoomed-in near the 1 sec. simulation time mark. It shows the time-varying core flux density and winding voltage, as the two air-gaps expand and contract with armature displacement, rapidly changing the magnetic flux path's effective reluctance value. In the lower right waveform viewer, the DC output voltage from the Schottky diode full-wave rectifier and the linear regulator output voltage are observed. The periodic disturbance is caused by the switched load being applied to the system.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonancefull wave rectifiermagnetic circuitvibration energyLive ActionKinetic EnergyIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Electrodynamic Vibration Energy Harvesting for IoT/IIoT - with State-Average Boost Converter Designer197889 × Member for 6 years 11 months 8 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for electrodynamic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p><p>The mechanical and magnetic circuit sections of the model are composed of "physical" models, in that user can directly specify size and physical properties of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross section area and length of the magnetic core, the residual flux density of the permanent magnet, and the number of winding turns.</p><p>The electronics section (rectifier and boost converter) contains a mix of passive analog circuit elements as well as abstract or "math block" models to represent the state-average (non-switching) behavior of the converter. Finally, constant power load model represents the power demand for periodic transmission of data typical of an (I)IoT sensor node.</p><p>In the simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the amplitude of the external vibration source (e.g. a motor or transformer housing) of 0.07mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1g (light-blue waveform). The armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, so the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 4mm peak-to-peak (green waveform).</p><p>In the upper left, the two waveform viewers are zoomed-in near the 1 second simulation time mark, and they show the air-gap lengths and the corresponding core flux density and winding voltage. Note that the air-gaps are configured in parallel for the flux path, so the effective path reluctance is minimized when either gap approaches zero length.</p><p>In the lower right, the relatively low value of the rectified "DC" voltage is observed (red waveform), as well as the regulated boost output voltage that supplies the transmitter load.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonanceboostfull wave rectifierState-Averagemagnetic circuitvibration energyIoTIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Electrodynamic Vibration Energy Harvesting for IoT/IIoT - with State-Average Boost Converter <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example is intended to show relevant modeling and simulation capabilities of SystemVision Cloud, for electrodynamic energy harvesting (EH) systems. It is not necessarily a practical EH design itself, but rather demonstrates the tool's ability to support knowledgeable users who are creating practical designs.</p> <p>The mechanical and magnetic circuit sections of the model are composed of "physical" models, in that user can directly specify size and physical properties of the components. This includes the mass of the armature, the stiffness of the resonant spring, the cross section area and length of the magnetic core, the residual flux density of the permanent magnet, and the number of winding turns.</p> <p>The electronics section (rectifier and boost converter) contains a mix of passive analog circuit elements as well as abstract or "math block" models to represent the state-average (non-switching) behavior of the converter. Finally, constant power load model represents the power demand for periodic transmission of data typical of an (I)IoT sensor node.</p> <p>In the simulation results displayed on the schematic, the upper right waveform viewer shows the amplitude of the external vibration source (e.g. a motor or transformer housing) of 0.07mm peak at 60 Hz, equivalent to a peak acceleration of 1g (light-blue waveform). The armature spring-mass resonance frequency is 60 Hz, so the armature displacement is seen to reach the frame's travel limit of 4mm peak-to-peak (green waveform).</p> <p>In the upper left, the two waveform viewers are zoomed-in near the 1 second simulation time mark, and they show the air-gap lengths and the corresponding core flux density and winding voltage. Note that the air-gaps are configured in parallel for the flux path, so the effective path reluctance is minimized when either gap approaches zero length.</p> <p>In the lower right, the relatively low value of the rectified "DC" voltage is observed (red waveform), as well as the regulated boost output voltage that supplies the transmitter load.</p> About text formats Tags Energy HarvestElectrodynamicMechanical Resonanceboostfull wave rectifierState-Averagemagnetic circuitvibration energyIoTIIoT Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -