Copy of FRC Motor speed control with TalonSRX - on Thu, 02/06/2020 - 10:36

Copy of Mikes version of FRC Falcon500 Motor speed control with TalonFX should oscillate - on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 15:50

FRC Falcon500 Motor speed control with TalonFX PIDF

FRC Falcon500 Motor speed control with TalonFX with sensor delay

Mikes version of FRC Falcon500 Motor speed control with TalonFX should oscillate - on Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:08

FRC Falcon500 with load

FRC Motor speed control with TalonFX

FRC Motor speed Feed-Forward control with TalonSRX

SCT2080HE withth motor and fan with thermal impedance

SCT2080HE withth motor and fan with thermal impedance