CAT4104 LED Controller Application Example DavidGoharaDesigner199194 × DavidGohara Member for 6 years 7 months 2 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This is an application example for an ON Semiconductor CAT4104 Quad Channel Constant Current LED Driver. It demonstrates the part's resistor programmable and independent current control for each channel, as well as its PWM dimming capability. By choosing the value of r_set from 768 Ohm up to 12 kOhm, the current in each channel is controlled from 175 mA down to 10 mA. That is, the channel current is 100 times the current in r_set, which is driven by an internal 1.2 V source from the CAT4104 "rset" pin. The LED strings can be driven by parallel channels to reach even higher string current levels. </p><p>For LED dimming, the CAT4104 "en_pwm" pin can be driven by a PWM signal. In this application circuit, that signal is provided by an LM555 timer module. The potentiometer setting controls the PWM duty cycle, and the element's total resistance value determines the PWM frequency. The initial potentiometer wiper ratio of 0.5 and resistance of 20 kOhm, gives a 50% PWM duty cycle at 500 Hz.</p><p>The LED string model, for which the user can select the number of LEDs in the string as well as the individual LED operating parameters, has an internal quantity that gives the "perceived" luminous output. This includes a 15 Hz Low-pass filter, to represent the light-averaging effect of the human eye. This is shown in the dark blue waveform. The user can explore the effect of changing the potentiometer settings, which in turn change the PWM characteristics, on the perceived light output. The initial LED parameters for this example represent a CREE XPCWHT-L1-R250-009E6.</p> About text formats Tags 555 TimerLEDCAT4104LM555 Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
ACME AS123 LED Driver with Dimmer Control - Application Note docmanDesigner199081 × docman Member for 6 years 7 months 11 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>The AS123 LED Driver from ACME Semiconductor (fictional) provides fully integrated PWM dimming and a programmable current set-point. This IC is specifically for automotive rear combination (tail/stop) lighting applications. It tightly regulates the desired string current under conditions of widely varying applied DC voltage.</p><p>The PWM dimming function, which switches the LED on and off at just over 300 Hz, is active when the line input pin is high and the "PWM_disable" pin is low (</p><p>The AS123 supports current programming using a single external resistor (see r_iset in the schematic). The resistor value can be selected to give the desired LED string current, using the following formula:</p><p>r_iset = 1.85/i_desired </p><p>The AS123 is capable of regulating up to 100mA per string continuously. Therefore the value of r_iset should be no less than 18.5 Ohms.</p><p>In the simulation results, note that the brake/stop signal is active (12.6V) for the first 100ms, and then low (0 V) for the next 100ms. The tail light input is active the entire time, pulsing between 11.6V and 17.6V. Note that the LED current is approximately constant, at just under 30mA during the brake/stop on-time. When the brake/stop signal goes to 0V, then the LED current begins to PWM (55% duty-cycle, 325Hz).</p><p>The user can move the waveform probes around, to look at other signals both on the schematic nets and within components. For example, move a probe onto one of the LED models and select to view the "power_dissipated".</p><p>If the user creates a free account on systemvision, he can make a copy of this design. Then he can make changes to it, such as adjusting the r_iset resistor value. He can then simply re-run the simulation to see the effect of that change.</p><p>See a "block diagram" schematic model of the ACME AS123 here:</p><p>-------------- End of Example Application Note ------------------</p><p>If you are a component supplier, this type of "Executable Application Note" can help your potential customers better understand the features and benefits of your components.</p> About text formats Tags LED LightingLEDDimmerACMEAS123PWMAutomotive Lighting Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
10 LEDs em sequência RafaelPereiraDesigner198138 × RafaelPereira Member for 6 years 8 months 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description About text formats Tags LEDsequência Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
120v to 36v 100W LED Driver CuthbertDesigner197868 × Cuthbert Member for 6 years 8 months 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>Uses 120v AC wall power to drive a 100W "Chinesium" LED using a PWM Control Signal</p> About text formats Tags LEDDriver Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Joule Thief Transformer Physical Design For LED Lighting captainDesigner197694 × captain Member for 6 years 8 months 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This simple "Joule Thief" self-oscillating LED circuit will produce light even when the battery voltage drops to 0.4 V. Of course the light will dim as the voltage drops, since there is no current regulation. The design is based on an example circuit from Wikipedia:</p><p>For the transformer physical design, the user can explore different magnetic toroid core sizes, material types, number of winding turns, etc., to see their impact on the LED performance. This "virtual design" test-bench is particularly useful to view core saturation and its current limiting affect in this particular circuit. For example, try using a smaller core with 1/5th the area and length of the original.</p> About text formats Tags Joule ThiefLEDoscilatortransformer saturation Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
Joule Thief Transformer Physical Design For LED Lighting RobertCampbellDesigner197545 × RobertCampbell Member for 6 years 9 months 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This simple "Joule Thief" self-oscillating LED circuit will produce light even when the battery voltage drops to 0.4 V. Of course the light will dim as the voltage drops, since there is no current regulation. The design is based on an example circuit from Wikipedia:</p><p>For the transformer physical design, the user can explore different magnetic toroid core sizes, material types, number of winding turns, etc., to see their impact on the LED performance. This "virtual design" test-bench is particularly useful to view core saturation and its current limiting affect in this particular circuit. For example, try using a smaller core with 1/5th the area and length of the original.</p> About text formats Tags Joule ThiefLEDoscilatortransformer saturation Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
TDFS Impedance Stability of Transmission Line Fed LED Driver - Switching MASADesigner208 × MASA Member for 9 years 10 months 579 designs 8 groups <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example demonstrates the use of the TDFS method (Time Domain Frequency Sweep) to measure impedance stability ratio. The system is a switching DC/DC step-down power converter used for LED lighting, supplied by a battery through a long power cable.</p><p>The TDFS impedance stability measurement model applies a 0.2A sinusoidal stimulus current at the point where the cable connects to the converter. The voltage at that point, as well as the stimulus current splits (toward the source and the load) are measured, and the associated source and load impedances vs. frequency are computed.</p><p>The ratio of the source to load impedance is the impedance stability ratio (Tm). Similar to the open-loop frequency response requirement for closed-loop stability, Tm must not have magnitude = 1.0 at phase = 180 degrees, at any frequency.</p><p>For this system, with a cable length of 400 meters and 8 AWG wire, the results show that the impedance ratio magnitude (green waveform) reaches unity (0 dB) at close to 2 kHz, where the phase (light blue waveform) is approximately 165 degress. This implies a "phase margin" of only 15 degrees, For a longer cable, this margin is further reduced. As shown in the companion example, "Transmission Line Fed LED Driver - Switching", for the cable length = 800 meters the system is unstable.</p><p>This instability is the result of the "source" impedance (which includes the cable) variation over frequency, interacting with the varying load impedance. Note that at low frequency, the load effectively has a negative impedance, due to the constant power nature of the DC to DC converter.</p> About text formats Tags Buck ConverterConstant Power LoadsSwitching ConverterLEDtransmission lineStep-DownTDFS Impedance Stability Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
1/4 Multiplexer gergo911Designer191436 × gergo911 Member for 6 years 10 months 7 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description About text formats Tags multiplexerLED Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
ACME LED Driver - full flat schematic IvanGorobetsDesigner188111 × IvanGorobets Member for 6 years 10 months 2 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This is a "flat" version of the hierarchical schematic shown in the companion design: "ACME AS123 LED Driver with Dimmer Control - Application Note". Please see that design for a complete description.</p> About text formats Tags LED LightingLEDDimmerACMEAS123PWMAutomotive Lighting Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -
boom emoDesigner187721 × emo Member for 6 years 10 months 1 designs 1 groups Add a bio to your profile to share information about yourself with other SystemVision users. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description About text formats Tags Arduino UnoLEDsensor gndVCCS Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -