User-1688054851Designer247103 × User-1688054851 Member for 1 year 7 months 15 designs 1 groups Welcome to the community!! <iframe allowfullscreen="true" referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="720" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> Title Description <p>This example compares the frequency response of the "physical" model of a mechanical structure on the left, with its complex pole fitted model on the right. The displacement and force frequency response data on the far left was exported to the complex-pole fitting function in HyperLynx, and the resulting "fitted" pole parameters were copied/pasted into the model on the right.</p> <p>Comparing the results for both sensor displacement (center-top plot) and reaction force (center-bottom plot) show that the transfer functions for these two models are nearly identical, with the only visible divergence coming at high frequency for the sensor displacement. This occurs when the transfer function gain is already "in the noise", at < -180 dB.</p> <p>To see how this modeling approach can be put to use in a motion control application example, please see this design:</p> <p></p> About text formats Tags VCA Select a tag from the list or create your own.Drag to re-order taxonomy terms. License - None -