PartQuest Explore is all about modeling, simulation, and waveforms – lots of waveforms! We make it easy for you to view your waveforms by clicking on the probe icon, on the application toolbar, and dragging probes onto any wire or component.
Once a waveform viewer window is placed on the schematic, a probe will appear, ready to be placed. There is a second probe available in the bottom left of this window. Drag these probes onto any wire or component to select the signal to be displayed in the viewer. These waveforms can then be superimposed for easy comparison, or even combined in simple math operations (such as taking the difference between the two waveforms) to analyze the results. These functions are performed by using the right-mouse-button and selecting the “Display” option.
A new waveform viewer feature has recently been added, for your waveform viewing convenience – Smart Colors! With Smart Colors, you can easily change the colors of the waveforms in any window. Again, using the right-mouse-button, simply select “Choose Colors” to quickly choose from 9 different pre-selected colors for you waveforms. And now every time that you click on the probe icon, to get a new waveform window, the color selection for the probes in that window will be automatically incremented for you to the next pair of colors from the available set. This simple behavior makes it easier for you to keep all of your data straight!